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Statement on support for Android versions

We occasionally receive inquiries regarding the availability of our intelligent frontends for the Android platform. The affordability of Android devices often makes them an attractive option for customers. However, in 2018, we made a conscious decision to discontinue support and development on the Android platform due to several critical reasons:

1. Enterprise Security: Advanced Solutions is committed to providing products that meet the stringent security demands of enterprise environments. Our assessments revealed that the Android platform does not fulfill our rigorous security criteria necessary for protecting sensitive enterprise data. The extensive commitment required to secure our applications and the data generated or transmitted via our frontends is beyond what we can responsibly promise on this platform.

2. Platform Stability: Our commitment to delivering reliable and robust solutions is paramount. The Android platform often presents challenges in terms of stability and consistent performance, partly because each manufacturer modifies their version of the software to differentiate their products. This variability means that an application might perform differently on devices from different manufacturers, a scenario that is unacceptable to our customers and incompatible with our high standards.

3. Malware Risks: The open nature of the Android ecosystem has led to significant malware proliferation. To safeguard our clients and their data, avoiding platforms with elevated security risks is a necessity.

We understand this decision may be inconvenient for some of our users and potential customers, but please be assured it was made with the intent of providing the highest standards of service and security. We continue to explore all technological advances that could enable us to expand our support to more platforms without compromising on these standards.

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