Why Web APIs are not replacing EDI anytime soon

I’ve seen a lot of articles lately about the great coming of Web APIs and how they’ll replace standard EDI communications. In the age of Amazon, we can all agree there is a need to upgrade EDI technology, which has been around since the 1960s. But replacing it...

SAPgui 7.3 and Java

You are probably aware we are not fans of Java on the client, quite frankly considering the constant updates needed and the inability to shut off Java checks for updates its time for something new. I have been happily using SAPgui 7.2 without a problem for over a year...

To BDC or not to BDC???

Not sure why but I felt today was a good day as any to address a topic I have been trying to get to for some time, the increasing use of BDC’s in standard application programs. What is a BDC? A little bit of background, a BDC which stands for Batch Data...