Advanced Solutions Blogs

AdvancedBOL for SAP
Logistics document management

AdvancedDock for SAP
Next Gen Yard and Dock orchestration solution

AdvancedDim for SAP
Worlds first mobile dimensioning solution

AdvancedPack for SAP
Optimized pack station management and optimization
Dec 4th Update to Mexico Electronic Accounting rules
On Dec. 4th the Mexican SAT updated the rules related to Electronic Accounting. You can find the rules identified as the Seventh Resolution of Modifications to the 2014 Miscellaneous Tax resolution and its Annex 24 update here. The main change for our customers with...
How the upcoming small parcel rate changes may affect you
As we get closer and closer to the end of the year, many of our customers are becoming more aware of the potential impact of the rate increase and change announced by FedEx and UPS this year. Though both announced increased rates of ~4-5%, the major change is to use...
Shipment billing options for parcel in SAP
When implementing our parcel solution (Advance Ship) I regularly need to explain the details of how carrier billing options can be handled correctly in SAP. To make this discussion simpler I'll explain the 3 main options for domestic billing from a typical small...
SAPgui 7.3 and Java
You are probably aware we are not fans of Java on the client, quite frankly considering the constant updates needed and the inability to shut off Java checks for updates its time for something new. I have been happily using SAPgui 7.2 without a problem for over a year...
Supply Chains at risk
To BDC or not to BDC???
Not sure why but I felt today was a good day as any to address a topic I have been trying to get to for some time, the increasing use of BDC's in standard application programs. What is a BDC? A little bit of background, a BDC which stands for Batch Data Conversion,...