Advanced Solutions Blogs

AdvancedBOL for SAP
Logistics document management

AdvancedDock for SAP
Next Gen Yard and Dock orchestration solution

AdvancedDim for SAP
Worlds first mobile dimensioning solution

AdvancedPack for SAP
Optimized pack station management and optimization
Reprint a Bill of lading in SAP
The steps to reprint a Bill of Lading in SAP is easy, a Bill of Lading is a SAP output type. The output type itself sadly is customer specific so you’ll need to check your system output descriptions to know which output type you company has used. We have standardized...
Bill of Ladings vs Proof of Delivery
Advanced Solutions provides several solutions for managing truck shipments, that include Bill of ladings and proof of delivery. A common question is what is the difference, when is one appropriate over the other etc. In today’s post I’ll describe them and how they are...
AdvancedBOL listed on the SAP App Center
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 17, 2019...
Quickly generate a pdf directly from a sap print preview
It’s common that customers need to quickly and easily generate a PDF for a document. Typically, we do this by setting up an output type that has a PDF output defined. But what if this is a last minute request from a user and no output is defined? An undocumented...
Advanced Solutions trialing Blockchain based Bill of Ladings
New SAP electronic Bill of Lading Software Eliminates Paper, Cuts Costs
Easily access bill of ladings when you need them FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:...