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AdvancedBOL for SAP
Logistics document management

AdvancedDock for SAP
Next Gen Yard and Dock orchestration solution

AdvancedDim for SAP
Worlds first mobile dimensioning solution

AdvancedPack for SAP
Optimized pack station management and optimization
Change management in a tight economy
In recent conversations that have focused on how we can better help our customers to weather the storm of course the conversation comes cost cutting, where can we trim , of course everyone looks at staffing but to us a better questions is how can we become more...
Dissecting SAP ASAP – why it doesn’t matter
Quite often we are asked to perform our work using the ASAP methodology, a lot of times I am not so certain that there is a good understanding of what ASAP Is and why it is useful and why you would not necessarily care wether it is used or not. The main Phases of the...
How to decide on the type of SAP enhancement to use
I am on occasion asked how to decide the best type of modification to make to an SAP system. Any modification made to the standard SAP system incurs cost, the largest part of this cost is rarely the cost of the initial coding, testing etc. but the long term cost of...