Advanced Solutions Blogs

AdvancedBOL for SAP
Logistics document management

AdvancedDock for SAP
Next Gen Yard and Dock orchestration solution

AdvancedDim for SAP
Worlds first mobile dimensioning solution

AdvancedPack for SAP
Optimized pack station management and optimization
Your SAPgui favorites can follow you
As consultants we regularly work on many different SAP systems, since we may work on the same functionality from client to client we use an easy trick supported by SAPgui to get ourselves setup on a new system as quickly as possible. Of course if you like drilling...
Are you trying to manage what you don’t measure?
In today's blog I want to talk about Supply Chain metrics. I bring this up today on the occasion that WERC has released one of my favorite studies, this is the annual study of Warehouse metrics. If you are not a WERC member I encourage you to join or at least buy a...
Is IT project management getting any better?
When you get a chance read the CIO Insight bullet points from a study on project management 10 truths about project planning which targets specifically the impact of a poor requirements process on project success. What surprises me about the results of this study is...
ECATTs – The Basics Part 2
In part I of my eCATT series of blogs, I covered the introduction to eCATTs, prerequisites, basic features, and the four main eCATT’s objects. In this post I will explain in greater detail the test script editor and I will provide detail on how to record a test script...
Forget the tool
I want to share some thoughts on requirements and processes. In my work as a project manager I have the pleasure of workign with a myriad of businesses and more importantly business analysts. There has been a lot of excitement of late in the SAP world as there are...
ECATTs – The Basics Part 1.
This will be the first in a series of blogs that will hopefully introduce you to eCATTs and explain the various important eCATT objects and how to use them. In this first blog I will cover: What is an eCATT?. Pre-requisites and settings required before using eCATTs....