In recent conversations that have focused on how we can better help our customers to weather the storm of course the conversation comes cost cutting, where can we trim , of course everyone looks at staffing but to us a better questions is how can we become more productive so we can take on more business or acheive more with the existing staffing. The economy will eventually get better and I think this approach will better position a company to handle the upturn once it happens. (Ok, doesn’;t feel like it will ever happen if you read the news but trust me it will).

So in today’s post let me throw out what I think is a great opportunity or low handing fruit and it is focused on change management. As a consultant I have the opportunity to see the way many customers perform change management processes in the course of implementing new functionality. In the early days of SAP we consulted and assisted some of customers to establish a change management process as part of their SAP implementation,  these days customers have well established processes in place and in some cases they have become very archaic business processes. Now I will tell you that talking about changing the change management process in many cases is like touching a sacred cow because in the past some change has inflicted pain on the participants and controls were put in place to ensure it never happens again.

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